Project Goals

  1. Branding Development
  2. To develop and design the brand personality, brand identity, target audience, mission statement, logo, typography, icons, social media headers, imagery, and brand style guide for First, Coffee.

  3. Web Design
  4. To design a landing page prior to the grand opening weekend that would attract as many customers to the event as possible and begin to form long-term relationships with potential customers, especially locals, so that the coffee shop would remain top of mind.



GENDER: Female
AGE: 32
LOCATION: Nashville, TN
OCCUPATION: Director of sales
EDUCATION: Bachelor Degree
FAMILY STATUS: Married, 2 kids - 4 year old girl, 1.5 year old boy

PERSONALITY TRAITS: Organized, friendly, intentional, caring
TYPICAL WEEKDAY INVOLVES: Get kids to daycare and grandparents, work, pick up kids, feed family, put kids to bed, prep for both the kids activities and her work activities of the next day
CARES MOST ABOUT: Her family - their emotional, spiritual, mental, physical and financial well-being.
CURRENT CHALLENGE: Finding balance of job, family, and self
CURRENT GOAL: To stream-line all of her processes, both work and family related, to provide more breathing room for herself
TOP 3 BOOKMARKED SITES: Facebook, Instagram,
WHAT SHE DOES WITH FREE TIME: She doesn’t really have much free time, but when she does she catches up on her favorite tv show and spends time with close female friends.

HOW CAN WE HELP: First Coffee makes it easy for her to kick her work day into gear after dropping off the kids. The menu is simple, but high quality so she doesn’t have to deliberate over what to have. She can either take her caffeine to go or she can sit and go over what is ahead of her that day, preparing to conquer!


AGE: 22
LOCATION: Nashville TN
OCCUPATION: Masters student
EDUCATION: Bachelor of Computer Science
INCOME: Fluctuates based on side jobs

PERSONALITY TRAITS: Focused, caring, energetic
TYPICAL WEEKDAY INVOLVES: Classes, homework, hang with friends, and chipping away at developing a audio plugin compatible with ProTools
CARES MOST ABOUT: Making a difference in his field and in the world
CURRENT CHALLENGE: Finding time amidst his classes and side jobs to work on the projects that he believes will advance his career, post-school
CURRENT GOAL: Get his masters and launch his plugin as the start of a plugin suite
TOP 3 BOOKMARKED SITES: Facebook,, instagram
WHAT HE DOES WITH FREE TIME: Hang with friends, play guitar.

HOW CAN WE HELP: First Coffee is the perfect place to get his coffee fix and to work on homework or developing. The friendly, down to earth environment is perfect for him to feel comfortable working alone, or with peers.


AGE: 36
LOCATION: Nashville TN
OCCUPATION: Real Estate Agent
EDUCATION: Bachelor of Arts
INCOME: 120k
FAMILY STATUS: Recently married, no kids

PERSONALITY TRAITS: Driven, charismatic, energetic
TYPICAL WEEKDAY INVOLVES: Meeting with clients, researching the current housing market, and writing contracts
CARES MOST ABOUT: Finding the best homes for his clients and increasing both the number and ease of closings
CURRENT CHALLENGE: Inability to be multiple places at once - to simultaneously serve multiple clients well
CURRENT GOAL: To grow his team to be able to take on more clients while reaching a higher level of excellence for those clients
TOP 2 BOOKMARKED SITES: Realtracs, Facebook
WHAT HE DOES WITH FREE TIME: Spends time with his new wife and their friends

HOW CAN WE HELP: First Coffee is the perfect place to refuel, meet with clients or even get a little bit of work done before a showing. The sincere and friendly environment puts clients at ease while the coffee provides the extra kick he needs to achieve his goals.


main color swatch

Main Color

secondary color swatch

Secondary Color

accent color swatch

Accent Color

The colors were chosen to communicate health and vitality while the typography was chosen to keep things simple and relateable. The First, Coffee logo design, featuring a hot cup of coffee with a check mark on it, tells the customer that they can go ahead and check that first important task off their to-do list. It is simple, relateable, and lends itself toward being featured on all kinds of future merchandise.


Main Brand Font

Pauline Bold

first, coffee.

Large Text Font

Futura PT Demi


Body/Small Text Font

Futura PT Book

coffee, coffee, coffee!!


Landing Page Digital Wireframe

Landing Page Design Comp

to Unplugged Retreat
